Loving Yourself: Transforming Yourself and an Escape from Abuse.

May 26, 2020

A Masterpiece of Self

Trigger Warning: This month’s blog deals with the theme of relationship abuse. Some people may find the content distressing. Seek out the support of others if you require it. Resources are listed at the end of this blog.  

When Jodi Lynn set out to establish Le Boudoir Studio, she had one goal in mind, to empower women. She wanted every woman to see and believe that they are sexy, beautiful, successful and strong. She has worked with Cancer survivors on showing their multiple forms of beauty like the Bald and Beautiful project and has also been a voice for shedding light on Breast Implant Illness. The team at Le Boudoir Studio has been fortunate to meet so many amazing women and we would like to introduce you to one woman’s incredible testimony. 

A Beauty and a Beast

This stunning woman is Ms. J. This blonde beauty grew up with a great homelife. She had a supportive family who loved her unconditionally and wanted her to be happy. While in College, she found herself in an emotionally abusive relationship. After working up the courage to leave, she moved out and in with a “trusted friend”. Unfortunately, this “friend” had wicked underlying intentions. Ms. J was back in another abusive relationship with a narcissistic liar. After years of walking on eggshells and abuse, she left. She asked for a police escort to help her move out and left this man for good. 


Finding True Love

During the years of abuse that Ms. J endured, she was miserable and that manifested itself in the form of her putting on weight. The added weight was killing her self confidence.She knew deep down, that the person other people were seeing wasn’t the real her. After her breakup, she said “enough” and decided to work on loving the person who mattered the most in her life, herself.

The Power of Self Love

Ms. J took her life and changed it. She created the best version of herself and the life that she wanted to lead. She began surrounding herself with positive and like minded people and realized the importance of standing up for herself. She signed up for OrangeTheory Fitness, an expense her ex said was “a waste of money” and that would “prevent her from spending time with him”. Through working out at Orange Theory and changing her diet around, Ms. J has lost weight and gained back her confidence!

Words of Love and Wisdom

Ms. J wisely said “It’s never, NEVER too late to change. You can rewrite your story anytime. ❤️” She wants all women to know that it is okay to fall and stumble, but to never stop. To always get back up and start again. It all starts with you, and getting yourself together mentally and emotionally.  Ms. J’s story brings us to tears. It is such a powerful and moving testament to the kind of strength and beauty that she possesses.  You can follow her on her continued weight loss and self love journey through Instagram @jacquetransforms

Help is Available

If you or someone you love is in an abusive relationship, there is help. Recognizing the signs of an abusive relationship and reaching out for help are the most important first steps. Eve’s Place offer’s resources in Arizona, but you can also reach help nationally by using Crisis Line or texting 741741.

We would love to capture your story and tell the world of your triumphs. Contact the team at Le Boudoir Studio to book your boudoir session. If you are interested in being featured on our blog, please mention at the time of booking. 

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Meet Miranda, the woman behind the lens and owner of Le Boudoir Studio. As an entrepreneur, photographer, and part-time therapist, this #GirlBoss is changing the name of the game in the industry.