Less is more; we’ve all heard that saying a time or two before. That couldn’t be truer when it comes to photographing women in particular. Women embracing their natural beauty is invaluable. Boudoir photography doesn’t always require a ton of makeup, multiple curls, high heels and scantily clad lingerie. A sexy photography session can still capture the sexiness of the woman when she appears as a natural beauty. This particular session on the blog this week is showing off a simple yet elegant film photography shoot.

Less is more; sexy photography

Film photography may seem like it’s a dying medium, but it isn’t! Le Boudoir Studio owner and photographer, Jodi Lynn; still adores film photography. The lady being featured in these photos is incredibly beautiful and sexy all rolled into one. Her hair and makeup are lovely yet natural. The photographs show very little, yet just enough. At Le Boudoir Studio; it’s completely up to you what kind of boudoir photos and the type of look you want.

Boudoir film photography

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Less really is more in this instance…


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Jodi Lynn is the owner and boudoir photographer who created Le Boudoir Studio. She has always been passionate about photography in general and is always striving to learn more about her art. In order to ensure she offers her clients the best of the best; Jodi Lynn believes it’s important to continue to attend photography workshops of interest. The truly great photographers are always striving to continue their photography education. This will ensure Le Boudoir Studio’s work is always pertinent and fresh!

Film photography workshop Phoenix, AZ

Most recently, Jodi Lynn attended a Daniel Kim Photography workshop named “The Luminary Workshop”. The workshop focused on film photography; film is not a lost art! Jodi Lynn has a special place in her heart for film photography. In fact, she used to have her very own dark room in college! Film photography is an art that is still being utilized and is actually sometimes preferred over digital images. Jodi Lynn believes most people love the look of film images but don’t realize they’re actually viewing a film image. Jodi Lynn found an awesome article titled “Why Film is Still Better Than Digital” which highlights why film is still the preferred medium; especially when it comes to natural light photography. Here are some highlights from the article:

  • Film controls highlights well – One area where I see film having a clear advantage over digital is in natural light. Film is meant to be shot in natural light, and that’s where it thrives. It is much more forgiving when it comes to overexposure, and it doesn’t blow out highlights as easily as digital cameras. This is especially helpful when I’m using the brightest thing in our solar system as a hair light.
  • Film blends light and color better – Digital camera sensors, are made up of millions of tiny squares that give us an image. Film isn’t split up in such a linear way, and because of that, it naturally blends light and colors better.
  • Film has aesthetically pleasing grain – One of the worst things about digital cameras is also one of the best things about film, the grain. The grain that you get from film is much more pleasing and natural than digital cameras, and it adds to the texture and character of the photo.
  • You can shoot medium format without selling your soul – Shooting film has given me the opportunity to shoot on a camera format that I wouldn’t have been able to shoot with digital, medium format. What’s the big deal with medium format, and why does that matter? Let me simply say, shooting medium format has changed the way I approach photography.

Film photography is not a lost art

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We also met fellow photographer, April Maura, at this workshop, who we collaborated with for the “Top 6 Reasons to Book a Boudoir Session” with images from this workshop featured! Check it out here!

Jodi Lynn had so much fun immersing herself in The Luminary Workshop. A huge thank you to the vendors that were a part of this awesome workshop:

Taught by:@danielkimphoto / @ashleytkim
Florals by: @carteblanchdesign
Styled by: @ayofemi_
Ribbon and Linen: @silkandwillow
Calligraphy: @foilandink
Linen: @latavolalinen
HMU: @biggirlveronica
Model: @fordrbaaz / @krynkaoa @abmontoya
Venue: @saguarolakeranch


Be-YOU-tiful blogger signoff


  1. April Robert says:

    I love your take from the workshop!

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Meet Miranda, the woman behind the lens and owner of Le Boudoir Studio. As an entrepreneur, photographer, and part-time therapist, this #GirlBoss is changing the name of the game in the industry.