Feel your best before your boudoir photography shoot with Sugar Sugar services

February 23, 2015

Once you schedule your boudoir photography shoot with Le Boudoir Studio; you might start thinking about ways to ensure you’re “camera ready.” You can do things such as getting your hair colored, cut, manicures, pedicures etc. but have you ever heard of a company by the name of Sugar Sugar? It’s a fantastic company that offers relaxing services such as sugar hair removal, facials, hair tinting, makeup, eyelash extensions, and even tanning! You want to know the BEST part about Sugar Sugar? They’re completely organic and the hair removal is virtually painless unlike regular wax. They even carry all organic products such as Hylunia, Ilike, Scotch Natural Nails and Youngblood Cosmetics.

Get sugared at Sugar Sugar

sugarsugarLowRez Logo


Why choose sugar? Here are some reasons that Sugar Sugar Gives :

Sugar is 100% organic; only made of sugar, lemons and water!

Hair is removed in the natural direction of growth

Few if any ingrown hairs

Sugar is a natural exfoliant; alleviates dry skin

Does not adhere to living skin cells

Bacteria does not breed in sugar; very sanitary

Sugar is water soluble

No residue left on skin after treatment

Improves skin texture and tone

Great for all skin types

Sugar has no chemicals or resins

Sugar works on rosacea, psoriasis or eczema

Sugar is so natural you could eat it!



new girls giggling


The valley’s first sugaring boutique!

The owner of Sugar Sugar is a fantastic lady by the name of Aimee! She is passionate about sugaring and is beyond excited to be the first sugaring boutique in the valley. The business is super adorable and girly. You’ll see beautiful pictures of women on the walls, but the special fact is they are local Arizona women picked to represent the Sugar Sugar brand! When you are all done with your sugar experience you’ll be sent on your way with a yummy chocolate and water bottle! Fun! Le Boudoir Studio highly recommends Sugar Sugar for your organic hair removal and skin care needs. If you tell them Le Boudoir Studio sent you; you’ll receive 10% off sugar hair removal services and 25% off of any sugar facials! Their hours are Monday – Saturday 10 AM – 6PM and Sundays from 12 PM – 4 PM. We recommend any services are done at least a few days before your boudoir shoot so you look your absolute best. We can’t wait to hear about your sugar experience!



Be-YOU-tiful blogger signoff

  1. Aimee Blake says:

    Thank you for the lovely write up ladies!

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Meet Miranda, the woman behind the lens and owner of Le Boudoir Studio. As an entrepreneur, photographer, and part-time therapist, this #GirlBoss is changing the name of the game in the industry.