October Client Spotlight

October 15, 2023

Women who book a boudoir session with us have many different reasons for doing so. Some choose to celebrate a milestone in their life (getting married, maternity boudoir, birthday, and so much more). Another reason for some to celebrate is a weight loss journey.  Many of our boudoir gals want to celebrate their new bodies and reward themselves for achieving their amazing weight loss goals.

Today, we are featuring an inspirational story featuring a recent client, Kristi. She underwent gastric sleeve surgery in January of this year and told herself when she lost 100 lbs she would book her first boudoir session. We are so honored to have the opportunity to work with Kristi, and to share her story!

How did you find out about boudoir and Le Boudoir Studio?  When I was getting close to my goal I did a google search for boudoir photographers in Arizona and Le Boudoir was one of them that came up. I loved the options and the Phoenix location so I booked!

What was the thing that finally got you to book a session? I have always wanted to do one of these shoots but I have never had the confidence. I had gastric sleeve surgery on 1/27/23 and told myself when I lost 100 lbs I would book… well- that happened a lot faster than I thought it would so I was able to book for my shoot in September just 8 months post op.

What was your relationship with your body/your self confidence before your photo session? Even though I have lost a lot of weight I am still very self conscious. I’d look in the mirror and still see that 353 lb woman from 8 months ago. It’s a hard transition to see your body physically change so quickly. My brain can’t catch up to my body.

Did having professional hair and makeup included in the shoot help? What impact did that have? You also brought in so many amazing outfits! How was the process shopping for those with your recent weight change?   Professional hair and make up was honestly such a high weight lifted off of my shoulders. I wouldn’t even know where to begin if I had to do that myself. I am not gifted in that area…. I began shopping for outfits almost immediately after I booked my shoot! I had no idea what I was comfortable in and what would look right on my body. The very first outfit I tried on I ended up using in my shoot. I had no idea I’d feel comfortable in a 2 piece like that. On top of that- for the first time in my life I was able to walk into a Victoria secret and buy something that fit me (the black dove) ! It was a HUGE milestone for me so I had to include it. When picking out the other outfits I was surprised when I really liked the red one. It was the one that made me the most uncomfortable but also made me feel the most sexy! The second I tried it on I knew I wanted to use the accessories with it.

How do you feel the session has impacted you and aspects of your life so far? The session definitely brought out a side of me I didn’t know was hiding. It made me feel fierce! 3 weeks later and I still feel fierce.

What was your favorite part of the session? I honestly had a really great time getting to know the crew. Miranda and the girls made me feel so comfortable and we were able to chit chat and laugh like I didn’t just meet them that morning.

I know you originally came in to celebrate losing 100 pounds after weight loss surgery. A lot of gals looking to do boudoir say “I need to do ___ before I book” mainly with reasons surrounding weight. What would you say to those hesitant about booking when it comes to having a hard time accepting the current physical state we are in and how boudoir could help with that?  Do it! Now! Don’t wait. I was in that same boat. I have wanted to do a boudoir shoot for years and I never took that step because I didn’t feel comfortable. The shoot will bring out the fun, flirty, sexy side of you and you’ll build a confidence you didn’t know you needed! The whole process is so much fun. Picking out your outfits and getting your hair and make up done and then the shoot. You will leave that room with a smile on your face feeling like you can conquer the world.

What led you to do the surgery, how that has affected you mentally and physically, and what other goals you want to accomplish through your journey?  I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. Even in elementary school. I tried diet after diet and I’d lose weight but plateau and gain it back. I had many comorbidities;  PCOS, High blood pressure, and all of the things that come with those. Medications and horrible symptoms I live with daily.  My body was tired. I was tired. My Dad died when he was only 68 years old. Many other family members were very young too. I didn’t want to be like that so I started this journey in February of 2022. That is when I went to my first consultation. The pre-requisites were extensive and I wasn’t sure if I was going to go through with it… until 2 months into my journey my Mom died. She was only 64. This solidified my decision and I spent the next year completing test after test appointment after appointment until I was finally able to have my surgery on 1/27/23.  The physical changes have been the most exciting. I weighed the highest at 353 lbs, and as of today I am 237 lbs.  There are little things I failed to appreciate… crossing my legs, being flexible, fitting behind the steering wheel of my car without my belly touching the wheel, breathing… being able to do anything without getting winded. I am a singer and feeling the changes in my breath support. It has been insane! Mentally it has been the hardest. Body dysmorphia is real and there are times I look in the mirror and I still see 353 lbs. I still see the big girl who was always there. I still hesitate before sitting in a plastic chair wondering if it will hold my weight. I still look for the bigger shirts to hide body parts I used to hate that I don’t hate anymore. Old habits are hard to break. I started this journey wearing a 6x top and i am now wearing large/extra large tops. Goals: I am only 42 lbs from my goal weight and I am hoping to meet that before my 1 year post op. I have already been taken off of all of my meds for blood pressure, All of my blood work has come back within normal ranges. I am healthy. If I never lose another lb I’ll call all of this worth it just for that reason in itself.

If you were to do another session, what would you want to do for session 2.0? 

I think I would do another session in more outfits out of my comfort zone.

If you have shared your boudoir experience with others, what have you told them about it and what have been their reactions so far?  I have had SO much positive feedback. Many have asked me where I went. Many have commented on how confident and happy I look.

Do you have any advice for other individuals considering a boudoir shoot?  Do it! Now! Don’t wait. The most important thing is to do it for yourself. It can be fun to do it as a gift for someone else… but it should be for you!

From Kristi: “This is a message to my fellow plus size ladies…. If any part of you is considering doing a shoot like this you should absolutely do it. Whatever is holding you back, throw it out the window! YOU are beautiful. YOU are sexy. YOU are fierce. YOU are a bad bitch and don’t you forget it!”

You can follow along with Kristi’s journey at @thriving_n_survivng22

We want you to know that Le Boudoir Studio is here to help you every step of the way. From the moment you book, we work with you to help create a stress-free and knowledgeable experience. We provide complete Session Prep and Style Guides with so many amazing places to shop (both local and online). Through our Questionnaire we get to know all about you to help customize your session, including what features you want to show off, and those that you are still learning to love. With our expert posing and guidance, lighting techniques, and editing style (including a lightly airbrushed finish) we want you to come just as you are!

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Amanda is a Mom, a freelance model, a collaborator, and the ultimate believer and supporter of WOMEN. I have known her for about a year and half now, and met her through a Facebook Networking group for women. This group has been profoundly helpful for me personally not only as a hair and makeup artist, but also now as a full-time photographer. I have met some of my closest friends and colleagues through this group, and I wanted to share my appreciation and give back to Amanda and her continuous hard work and dedication of creating this wonderful community.

From the moment we finally met, Amanda was kind, supportive, and incredibly professional. I first collaborated with her on some hair and makeup looks, and only recently started working with her on the photography side. I knew she would look like an absolute bombshell with the red satin sheets and mirror sets, and let me tell you, she NAILED the concepts so perfectly.

And yes, we are officially announcing two new LIMITED sets for Le Boudoir Studio! More information at the end of this blog.

Q: Tell us more about your group Women Networking in Photography, your role there, and what the main purpose and goals of the platform are.

A: Women Networking in Photography is a global community with 24 chapters connecting over 20,000 women worldwide! I founded the organization in 2018 and it became a nonprofit organization a couple years later.  The mission is to educate, uplift and empower women in the photography industry. During the last 5 years we have helped each other grow and develop as artists and professionals, supported and protected each other from industry predators, collaborated and created amazing art together, all while networking and cultivated new friendships. I believe with my whole heart, that everyone can achieve goals and make their dreams come true if we work together! That’s what makes Women Networking in Photography so special! Collaboration over competition.

My goals for 2023 is to have 25 chapters worldwide. My long-term goal would be to create an app where members can connect, support and collaborate more efficiently outside of social media. I would also love to open an office space/studio in Phoenix for members to connect in person for meetings, workshops, photo shoots, events, photographer and model lending closets and more!

Q: How has working with women of all different backgrounds influenced you/the way you model/and the way you approach collaboration? 

A: Working with all types of women is fun and exciting for me. There is so much to learn and working with an array of women teaches me so many different things. Learning what to do and what not to do. When everything becomes a learning experience, that helps me grow as an artist. Bringing my best to any collaboration is important, so I approach each project with an open mind and heart as well as making sure I am doing the necessary preparation. When pre planning for a shoot, I look online for pictures of the concept for inspiration, then try to practice in the mirror expressions and poses that go with the theme. This gives me confidence to know what my body and face look like in the camera. Also self-care beforehand so I can look and feel my best in front of the camera. A good night’s sleep and eating something before a collaboration can make all the difference.

Q: How has becoming a Mom changed the way you perceive yourself, your body, and other women? 

A: Doing a boudoir photoshoot has definitely helped me find my sexy again after having a baby. The self-care to prepare for the photo shoot, followed by the day of hair and make-up and doing the photo shoot is all very empowering and even therapeutic.

Knowing I can do things I once thought was impossible. My body is strong and beautiful. It brought life into this world. Mothers are so amazing and of course I have so much respect for anyone who’s ever had a baby… And anybody who’s ever done it more than once, is incredible! So, although I am still 50 pounds heavier than I was before I got pregnant, I appreciate my body so much more.

Q: As you may know, a lot of our clients are moms. They confide in us that they haven’t felt the same since having kids, don’t really get a chance to feel “sexy”, and are still learning to love and embrace their new body. Was doing a more intimate shoot like this different at all compared to before you had your baby? 

A: Since having my baby, I would say the outfit choices and poses have changed a bit to enhance and embrace my new body. Some ladies are empowered by covering up and others are empowered by showing skin. Boudoir can be both of those things! Regardless, everyBODY is made for boudoir! Personally, I love boudoir because it is an incredibly empowering magical thing that gives me so much confidence in whatever I choose to wear!

Q: Do you think it’s important for women to do boudoir style photoshoots? If so, why? What do you feel the benefits are, even when we might not be feeling our “sexiest”? 

A: Doing boudoir specifically has helped me find my sexy again after having a baby. The self care to prepare for the photoshoot, followed by the day of hair and make up and doing the photo shoot is all very empowering and even therapeutic.

The amazing thing to me about the whole boudoir experience is that it positively affects the way I see and feel about myself afterwards. It has lasting effects of confidence, self-esteem and body positivity.

Q: Many women that come to us have never done something like this before. They feel like they don’t know how to pose or know what to do in front of the camera. You have coached and worked with women of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, and ages. What are some tips and personal insights you can give them as a seasoned model? 

A: My number one piece of advice would be to practice in the mirror. Put on some music that makes you feel sexy and practice different poses that make you feel confident. Practice facial expressions and make “ahhhhhhhhh” and “ooooooooo” faces. Try moving slowly and pretending like you are putting lotion on your body in a soft and caressing way.

Q: It was actually Amanda’s idea to do some implied nude style shots during her session, which I loved! What prompted you to want to do that style, and how do you think stepping outside your comfort zone can help women gain confidence? 

A: With complete trust in Miranda, I felt comfortable and confident that she was going to be able to capture exactly what I was going for, in the most tasteful way. I am a vintage loving girl and we were planning a red satin bedsheet concept. It is very reminiscent of a photoshoot Marilyn Monroe had done so I wanted to emulate the sexiness that Marilyn had.  I was able to pretend to be Marilyn, and find the confidence within myself that she had. By the end of the photoshoot, I definitely felt like I had gained more self-confidence, was in touch with my feminine side and felt sexier! I feel like you gain courage and personal growth when you step outside of your comfort zone and that also builds confidence.

Q: How has your experience as a model impacted your self-confidence and body positivity? 

A: Modeling has greatly improved my self-confidence!  When I receive a beautiful image of myself, I see a glimpse of what the world sees. Definitely changes my perspective and helps me build my confidence. Learning to love things about myself that I was previously self-conscious about helps me build body positivity within myself.

Q: Has anything changed your approach to modeling and doing photoshoots since becoming a mom? 

A: Honestly, not really. Some projects are not for me anymore but I think that comes with experience and changing of tastes over time. But unfortunately now, I don’t have as much “me” time as I did before. When I choose projects and photographers to work with it’s important to me that it is going to be worth my time away from family, a great experience with quality results. Working with Miranda is always guaranteed to be wonderful!

Q: We are all our own worst critics. Constantly putting yourself out there and doing photoshoots can be a vulnerable, but also very empowering and rewarding experience. What are some things that help you when you’re having a rough mental or physical day? How do you prevent yourself from constantly comparing yourself to others? 

A: Looking back on the boudoir pictures I have taken definitely helps lift me up when I’m feeling less than or having a rough time. It helps me to remember my badassery in gorgeousness, even though I might be feeling like a hot mess! Daily affirmations also help me reinforce positive messaging into myself. It might feel funny to stare in the mirror and say extremely powerful, and positive things to yourself, but it gets easier!  I truly believe that comparing yourself to yourself and/or others brings unhappiness and shame. So I try to appreciate myself as I am, know that I’m doing my best, showing myself grace and self kindness. Also remembering to talk to myself, as I would a friend help to put things in perspective.

Q: What has been one of your favorite photoshoot experiences so far? What made it so special and memorable?

A: Last summer, I had a one of my favorite experiences working with a small group of ladies at a vintage summer pool party. It was fairly soon after I had my son and was still feeling self-conscious about my new body. It was very special to see women of all shapes, colors, sizes, and skill levels, coming together, many trying the pinup aesthetic for the first time.  So many beautiful diverse women creating beautiful images. Everybody was so welcoming and body positive!  Tons of compliments were shared, helpful advice given and encouraging words were exchanged. I left the event with more confidence and started to feel like my old self again. Enjoyed every empowering minute of it! Also, this was my first time working with Miranda and of course she knocked it out of the park!

I knew I wanted to feature Amanda for our July Client Spotlight after she came in for her boudoir session. It is important for me to share the experiences of clients from all backgrounds. At the end of the day, Amanda is a woman just like you and me. She is a mom, a wife, a friend. She understands the vulnerability it takes to go in front of the camera, and also understands the importance and beauty of those benefits of putting yourself out there. Amanda is able to look back at all of her photoshoots over the years and appreciate herself at every stage of her life. This is also the beauty with boudoir and the message we wholeheartedly stand behind. We are worthy of feeling beautiful, accepted, and desired.

Love Amanda’s photos and want to do a “Wrapped In Satin Sheets” set of your own? We will be offering this romantic red and gorgeous emerald green. The “Mirror” set will also be included in this special booking. Join our waitlist and be the first to book these exclusive limited sets!

Please check out Amanda’s nonprofit organization:

Women’s Networking in Photography




You can also follow and connect with her at:

IG Instagram.com/missmandydevine

FB Facebook.com/mrsamandadeleon

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Meet Miranda, the woman behind the lens and owner of Le Boudoir Studio. As an entrepreneur, photographer, and part-time therapist, this #GirlBoss is changing the name of the game in the industry.