Outdoor cowgirl sexy photography

January 10, 2014

Jodi Lynn of Le Boudoir Studio is truly passionate about sexy photography. The Tempe, AZ all girly indoor studio is one of the most fun places that she gets to work her magic but she also loves getting outdoors. Outdoor sexy photography creates a unique and fun experience for the sexy lady on camera, but also for Jodi Lynn.

Outdoor sexy photography by Le Boudoir Studio

Sexy photography doesn’t always have to be about lingerie. Being sexy can mean a lot of things depending on who you are. The most important component to your Le Boudoir Studio photos to come out stunning is that YOU feel great in whatever it is you choose to wear. Sexy photography is all about you feeling great which in turn will increase your confidence.

Cowgirl themed sexy photography

Our sexy lady that is being featured on the Le Boudoir Studio blog this week chose to show off as a cowgirl. This was the perfect outfit for an outdoor sexy photography session. Not only does she look great; she was as sweet as could be! We think showing off your personality in your sexy photography shoot is essential. Jodi Lynn is tons of fun to work with so no matter what, you should have tons of fun!

Check out the sexy cowgirl…

Outdoor sexy photography

sexy photography by le boudoir studio


outdoor sexy photography by le boudoir studio


outdoor photography sexy cowgirl


Outdoor cowgirl sexy photography


outdoor sexy cowgirl photography


sexy photography le boudoir studio

We have to mention that her honey came in to check out the pictures with her and he LOVED these pictures of his lady. Do you blame him?! If you’ve dreamed of having your very own sexy photography shoot; call us! We look forward to working with you.



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Meet Miranda, the woman behind the lens and owner of Le Boudoir Studio. As an entrepreneur, photographer, and part-time therapist, this #GirlBoss is changing the name of the game in the industry.