Don’t us women just looooovveee birthdays?! In fact they should be referred to as birthweeks….Perhaps even birthmonths, because let’s face it ladies we deserve to be celebrated and feel special for as long as possible and your birthday is the perfect time to do just that 😉
Speaking of special, if you book your session the month of your birthday you automatically receive a $50 gift card towards your package because that’s how much we love you.
Here at Le Boudoir studio we love to celebrate women and all of their uniqueness. Although, it appears there is this certain birthday that women seem to want to avoid and in fact ….GASP!…NOT celebrate. It is that one birthday that takes you from your 20’s into your (insert dramatic music) 30’s! We might as well say “Lions and Tigers and 30’s OH MY!”
What we’d like to try and instill in all of our beautiful followers is that every single birthday that passes should be better and bigger than the last. Once you arrive at your 30th birthday and thereafter you should embrace it with open arms! Say “hello 30…I’ve been waiting for you. ” You see, the older we get, the clearer this thing called life should be getting! You should be becoming the woman that is so proud of all that she has accomplished or has yet to accomplish. Stand proud in your heels, even if you fall; get right back up, because after all that is what real women do. Real women love themselves no matter what the outside world may be saying or throwing at them. Real women can make decisions all on their own. Real women can say I’m 30…40…50 and so on with conviction and not blink. Age really ain’t nothing but a number honey so own it.
We love the idea that women can feel more secure, fulfilled, happy and confident the older they get. We all know that hindsight is always 20/20 so by the time you are 30 you can enjoy your glass of wine and really giggle at your 20’s because wow do we learn a lot during that decade of our lives! Enjoy each and every moment and know that each and every moment has brought you to the here and now; exactly where you are meant to be. Be proud of who you are and although you are still learning and finding your way; know that by this point in your life you should have at least one amazing girlfriend who will always allow you to be yourself and be right there every step of the way. Most importantly, love yourself and always promise to take care of your heart, mind and body.
We found this awesome article by Emma Gray referencing the fantastic list titled “30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the time she’s 30” by Pamela Redmond Satran that is now being turned into a book that every woman should read and re-read. Print it, post it, share it! We loved it and love you!
Kisses ~ Your Be-YOU-tiful Boudoir Blogger
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