Bonnie and Clyde engagement photos

September 23, 2012

Are you engaged?! First of all, Le Boudoir Studio/Photography by Jodi Lynn  congratulates you on finding the love of your life! Don’t forget that Jodi Lynn owns Le Boudoir Studio but also has a website for Photography by Jodi Lynn for non boudoir fun. Are you thinking of doing engagement photos? We sure hope so! When some couples are looking to schedule an engagement photo session they think that they will get the simple portrait look. We will have you know that with all the creative juices flowing over here we want your engagement photos to show your personality and be unique to you and your honey. There is no limit to the possibilities! After all, you will only do this once so why not make it memorable?!

Photography by Jodi Lynn wants to help you create an engagement session full of the couples personality

This is what newly engaged couple David and Elizabeth wanted for their unique and one of a kind engagement photos! They decided that they wanted to go back to the 1930’s with a Bonnie and Clyde theme. Talk about fun! From the vintage clothes that Elizabeth wore to the hair and make up by Erica ~ they most definitely looked the part!

They started off with an indoor Hollywood style set…

Below is the photo we custom designed for the couple’s wedding invitations…

David and Elizabeth decided that they wanted to add an outdoor shoot as well – which is always a fun and welcome addition to ANY shoot! Jodi will go out of her way to make sure she scouts out the perfect spot depending on what type of theme or feel the client is going for. Jodi found Goldfield Ghost Town including the surrounding areas and when she told David and Elizabeth she found “the perfect spot” she was pleasantly surprised to find out that just happen to be the spot that they got engaged! How coincidentally perfect is that scenario!? Meant to be? We’d say so!

Check out the classically done outdoor portion of their shoot below…

The truck that was used for the shoot is actually a family truck in David’s family. How cool is it that it’s part of the journey they are starting on together? They also used vintage guns to complete their Bonnie and Clyde gangster feel.

David and Elizabeth are oh so adorable! Check out “Bonnie and Clyde’s” photos on our Photography by Jodi Lynn Facebook page 🙂 Also be sure to check us out, as this session was published on the Love, Wed Bliss site, Capitol Romance blog, Done Brilliantly: The Blog of Two Bright Lights and the Engaged Wedding Blog!

 This shoot encompassed two completely different looks. These weren’t your average engagement photos – they had personality and are sure to be remembered by the couple and their friends and family for years to come. Bring us your ideas and inspiration for a shoot to suit your personality and we will make it happen! Call us to schedule your unique engagement photos today!


Kisses ~ Your Be-YOU-tiful Blogger

As much as we l-o-v-e the likes and comments on our Facebook page posts; we sure would appreciate some comments below on our blog ~ thank you in advance 😉 

  1. Denise Nicole Saucedo says:

    FREAKING LOVE THIS! OMG! So awesome!

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Meet Miranda, the woman behind the lens and owner of Le Boudoir Studio. As an entrepreneur, photographer, and part-time therapist, this #GirlBoss is changing the name of the game in the industry.