Best Boudoir Photographer contest by Arizona Foothills; Win a $250 gift card to Le Boudoir Studio

October 13, 2014

Le Boudoir Studio is honored, elated and ecstatic to announce that we’ve been nominated for “Best Boudoir Photographer” by Arizona Foothills! Since the beginning stages of Le Boudoir Studio; the entire mission has been to share boudoir photography with as many lovely women that we can! At Le Boudoir Studio we truly believe the benefits of a boudoir shoot can last long after you leave our studio. Jodi Lynn is truly passionate about her niche of photography and strives to ensure every woman’s experience is nothing short of amazing.

Best Boudoir Photographer by Arizona Foothills

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If you’re a Le Boudoir Studio fan; past/future client or anything in between; we’re hoping you’ll do us the favor of voting for us to win “Best Boudoir Photographer” by Arizona Foothills. We truly love and appreciate every one of you! In fact we love and appreciate you so much that just for voting; liking our Facebook posts about the Arizona Foothills contest/commenting that you’ve voted enters you into our very own contest to win a $250 boudoir photography gift card to Le Boudoir Studio! We will announce the lucky winner once the Arizona Foothills contest is complete!

Please use this link to vote! You may vote up to once a day per email address. If you have multiple email addresses; you can really make your votes count. 😉

Love Le Boudoir Studio? Vote for us!

We thank you for your votes and hope that you will help make us Arizona Foothills’ “Best Boudoir Photographer”. Happy voting and good luck on winning the $250 gift card to our studio!


Be-YOU-tiful blogger signoff

  1. Deb Dewees says:

    I have voted numerous times and will continue to do so until the voting closes!! Come on people, let’s get this done … please vote 🙂

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Meet Miranda, the woman behind the lens and owner of Le Boudoir Studio. As an entrepreneur, photographer, and part-time therapist, this #GirlBoss is changing the name of the game in the industry.