When owner and photographer Jodi Lynn ventured out to create what is now Le Boudoir Studio she set out with the intention of making sure that every woman she worked with felt beautiful before, during and after her boudoir shoot. It is Le Boudoir Studio’s every mission to ensure all of our clients have a once in a lifetime experience with the studio. When ladies book their boudoir shoots they may be nervous wondering what they should expect the day of their shoot. We’re here to give you a little insight and hopefully help to put you at ease.

Le Boudoir Studio wants to work with you!

On the day of your shoot you will be greeted at the door with a welcome and a smile! Most likely you will be greeted by Jodi Lynn herself; which is an awesome touch! You will be lead to our oh so girly dressing room. All ladies have their hair and make-up professionally done so you sit in our pink salon chair and get ready to be pampered and beautified! Check out our hair and make-up blog to see why it’s required! This is where the fun really gets going! If you need a little liquid courage; feel free to bring your own wine/champagne and we will provide the glasses. Nothing helps to set the tone better than music and you’re the DJ! Choose your favorite artist or genre and we will let Pandora do the rest.

During your professional hair and make-up you will get to know Jodi Lynn and the hair and make-up artist. This really helps to put you at ease. You get to sit, drink a glass of wine, relax and even get a fun slideshow of our past clients to see the possibilities for your own shoot! We truly believe our best shoots happen when our fantastic lady gets to spend some time with us before the shooting gets started. It really gives you a chance to get more comfortable with us as well as us with you! Plus we get to do girly things like discuss outfit options. It truly is so much fun.

Boudoir photography makes you look and feel your best!

During your shoot you will be working with the light hearted Jodi Lynn. She will ensure you look and feel your best! You will be feeling so good about yourself and looking the part too! Some ladies even make a night out of it; whether out with their honey or with some girlfriends. It would be silly to “waste” feeling and looking so good, right?! About 3-10 days after your actual shoot you get to come back to Le Boudoir Studio for your photo viewing. This is where you get to say “IS THAT REALLY ME?!” Yes, yes darling…it is!

Here’s a video during a live shoot to see what you can expect during your boudoir shoot:

Check out the Wed AZ Le Boudoir Studio article on this topic!

So this being a supermodel for a day thing isn’t so scary right? Check out our FAQ for more information. We can’t wait to meet you and work with you. We love helping ladies like you feel their best!


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Have you scheduled your boudoir photography shoot with Le Boudoir Studio? Hooray! Now you may start wondering…what should I wear?! When people think of boudoir photography they automatically start thinking “lingerie”. While lingerie is a popular option; it is not always the only option!

Check out some of our favorite ideas…

What should I wear for my boudoir shoot?

A great option to wear for your boudoir photography shoot is of course bra, panties, garters and stockings. We love this look because it is clearly an intimate outfit. Men love to see their honeys in their skivvy’s – add professional hair and make up and wowza!

sweet boudoir in white lingerie


garter and stockings sexy photography


black and white glamour photography

 If you’re not as comfortable showing off your tummy and/or want to accentuate your curves; you can always opt to wear a waist cincher.

lingerie boudoir shoot


stockings and garters

 If you would like to wear lingerie or something more intimate you can choose a corset or a sexy chemise to make you look and feel amazing!

corset boudoir


lingerie by love and lace

Men also love to see their ladies incorporated with their career and/or sports team!

career themed boudoir


boudoir photography


what should i wear for my boudoir shoot

If you want to simply wear something that makes you feel sexy you can choose a sexy sweater or tee! Showing off your personality is always sexy!


sweater plus size boudoir


sexy photography outfit


boudoir outfit ideas


outdoor cowgirl photography

Some ladies decide to wear nothing or simply to wrap themselves in our sheets! It’s an incredibly sexy look for any boudoir photography shoot!

Le Boudoir Studio, Boudoir photography contest_013


wrapped in sheets boudoir

One of Jodi Lynn’s favorite themes to photograph is pin up! Usually props are used for pin up shoots. We have some props at the studio but please bring any extra goodies the day of your shoot please.

pin up boudoir

what should i wear for my pin up shoot

pin up boudoir by le boudoir studio

 If you’re a bride to be…bridal boudoir is an awesome option!

bridal boudoir by Le Boudoir Studio

bridal boudoir

Le Boudoir Studio favorite intimate outfits

Ladies, honestly you can wear whatever YOU want! This is your boudoir photography shoot and it’s all about YOU! No matter if you’re super comfortable showing off your skin or if you are more modest…we can make it work. As you can see from all our lovely ladies above; they all look great! We hope we’ve given you some ideas for your boudoir photography shoot – it’s going to be fun! Check out the Le Boudoir Studio Pinterest page for lots more ideas!

This blog has been featured on WedAZ!



  1. […] Although lingerie is a popular choice, it is completely up to you! If you do opt for lingerie, please make sure that YOU feel sexy in whatever you choose; that’s the most important part. If you do not feel comfortable in lingerie, you can wear anything you feel sexy in. One of our favorite ideas are corsets! They slim your waist and make “the girls” look good! Check out our boudoir outfit ideas blog! […]

  2. […] a past blog post we shared our favorite boudoir photography outfit ideas. We love helping our clients out. One of those ideas is an oversized yet feminine sweater. Le […]

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Meet Miranda, the woman behind the lens and owner of Le Boudoir Studio. As an entrepreneur, photographer, and part-time therapist, this #GirlBoss is changing the name of the game in the industry.