The entire mission of Le Boudoir Studio is to empower women and increase confidence through boudoir photography. Women empowering other women is a beautiful and powerful thing. This week’s blog includes tips on how to be a strong and empowered woman!

Strong women lift other women up

Le Boudoir Studio

1) Learn to not only like yourself, but learn to love yourself. It’s crucial that you learn to focus on all of your awesomeness and stop beating yourself up! You’ve got to be your biggest advocate. If you don’t like yourself how can you expect anyone else to?

2) Spend time alone. A woman who can spend time alone and actually enjoy it; is a strong and mature woman. Alone time is sometimes the best time! You get to do whatever YOU want.

3) Be a good friend. Women need support systems to get through the tough times. Nurture your friendships.

4) Speak your truth. Sometimes you’re going to have to have some tough conversations with the people you love, but that’s how you connect on a deeper level.

5) Do what feels right. Sometimes women get wrapped up in what the right or wrong decision is. Just follow your heart and intuition. If it feels right; it probably is. If it feels wrong; run!

6) Pursue your passion. You are unique and have skills that are yours and yours alone. No one can speak the words on your heart and no one can do exactly what you can. Go do what makes you happy. Find your purpose.

7) Learn to say no. No is a complete sentence. As women we are pleasers and have a hard time saying no, but it’s important to learn how to be okay with saying no. Whether something simply doesn’t serve you or you simply don’t have the time or energy to do something; it’s okay to say no. This leaves you open to a lot more “yeses” to the things that you love.

8) Don’t get lost in a relationship. We can all relate to this one. You’re in a relationship and everything feels so good that sometimes you can forget to pursue the things that you did before this person came along. This is especially important when it comes to your relationships outside of your romantic relationship.

9) Maintain your own accounts (checking, savings, cell phone, insurance etc.). Sometimes it seems like a good idea to combine things, but it’s important and pretty empowering to maintain your independence.

10) Watch and read positive things. Garbage in = garbage out. Fill your mind with positive and uplifting messages that serve you. Be aware of WHO you are listening to.

Once you love yourself; you’re unstoppable



For more inspiration from our writer Tianna Leigh check out Wishes for the Soul!

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Meet Miranda, the woman behind the lens and owner of Le Boudoir Studio. As an entrepreneur, photographer, and part-time therapist, this #GirlBoss is changing the name of the game in the industry.