At Le Boudoir Studio, we love helping woman feel confident and empowered! Which is why we specialize in all types of boudoir photography. Last week we had the pleasure of being interviewed by Arizona Channel 12 News “Go Ask Ozzy” Segment. Ozzy’s feature touched on all the wonderful things we do at Le Boudoir Studio including our participation in the “Bald and Beautiful” Project. We know it can be hard for some ladies to feel beautiful and confident, especially if they are going through something as life changing as chemotherapy or radiation treatments. So, Jodi Lynn wanted to make sure we catered to women going through this tumultuous time with our boudoir photography services.

“We actually have done quite a few free sessions for women that are going through chemo and going through cancer, it’s called the Bald and Beautiful Project.”
“They’re a little fearful at first and you can kind of see it on their face and as soon as they see their first image that you show them, that relaxation all over – it shows,” said Jodi Lynn in the interview.

Over the last few years we have been fortunate enough to feature a few clients with our partnership with the Bald and Beautiful Project but hope to start working with women going through chemotherapy every other month.  If you are interested in sharing your cancer story and signing up for a boudoir session please email:

Arizona’s Premier Boudoir Photography Studio

The Channel 12 News feature also discussed our more traditional boudoir photography sessions including our maternity boudoir photo shoots. Although pregnancy isn’t as difficult as chemotherapy at Le Boudoir Studio, we feel that it is extremely important for expecting mothers to be reminded of how beautiful they are during this time. There are so many factors to growing a baby; and as mothers ourselves, we know pregnant ladies sometimes lose themselves in the process, forgetting how truly amazing it is to not only be a woman but to be able to provide life to another person. While Ozzy was filming the segment, we were lucky enough to have a maternity session in our Scottsdale studio to give a behind the scenes look at a boudoir photo shoot.  You can see the session and Jodi Lynn’s full interview below!

Boudoir Photography for Every Woman

As Arizona’s premier boudoir studio, we have been helping woman feel confident since 2010. Whether you are pregnant, getting married, or just want to feel beautiful and empowered we would love to work with you! Call us today at 480 495 5455 or click here to book a session online.


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Maternity photography has always been a popular option amongst mommies to be. Showing off the baby bump with a professional photography shoot is always a great idea Le Boudoir Studio thinks! Maternity photography is no longer as “cookie cutter” as it may once have been. In fact, at Le Boudoir Studio we specialize in boudoir photography; yes that means for you too mommies! Who says pregnancy can’t be sexy? You’re still an amazing woman and you deserve to show off your pregnancy glow in whatever way(s) you choose!

Sweet maternity boudoir photography

Whether you’re envisioning a sweet maternity boudoir photography session or a sexy maternity boudoir photography session; Le Boudoir Studio has you covered! Your session is all about you and what photos you’d like to cherish for years to come. There are plenty of options when it comes to maternity boudoir. You can have your shoot at our Tempe, Arizona studio or outdoor at any of the amazing outdoor photography locations that Jodi Lynn has utilized over the years. The client on the Le Boudoir Studio blog this week opted to do a little sexy and a little sweet maternity boudoir photography and she absolutely rocked it. We absolutely love the maternity boudoir silhouettes below!

Sexy maternity boudoir silhouettes

01 sweet maternity boudoir02 sexy maternity boudoir03 le boudor studio maternity photography04 maternity boudoir photography le boudoir studio

What are your thoughts on maternity photography with a sexy boudoir twist? We think it’s so much fun empowering our clients through photography; no matter what style they decide on. Le Boudoir Studio wants to be your number one choice when it comes to all of your boudoir photography needs. Contact us today!


Be-YOU-tiful blogger signoff

  1. Wonderland Boudoir says:

    I think maternity boudoir is sexy, powerful, and one of the most feminine things a woman can do!

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Meet Miranda, the woman behind the lens and owner of Le Boudoir Studio. As an entrepreneur, photographer, and part-time therapist, this #GirlBoss is changing the name of the game in the industry.